
Monday, August 21, 2006

Doctors Suck

I went to the doctors today because I needed to have a blood test done. They told me I wouldn't need an appointment so I should just turn up. I got there and I had to wait 30 mins to see her! So I wait n wait. I was sitting next to this little kid who was coughing and sneezing all over me. I was like ewww. I'm sure he's very cute when he's not ooozing with germs but that was so nasty! So I was relieved to get away when my name is finally called.
There were like 5 different tests I needed to have done so when I saw all the tubes soon to be filled with my blood I was just a tad shakey! Then the doc tells me a huge lie! This won't hurt a bit. The next thing I know this massive needle's being plunged into me. I'm like ow!!! Not very good.
But yeh doctors suck! Well mine does!
As I am blogging there are some people looking around my house. My parents are selling our house. I'm not too bothered because I'm going off to uni in a month so it won't effect me much, but what is annoying is keeping my room tidy all the time. I like mess. My mess isn't messy mess it's organised mess and the minute my mum tries to tidy it I can't find anything!
I am so tired right now so I think I'll take a nap!


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