
Saturday, April 07, 2007


Ok if ur squeemish STOP READING NOW! I have a stress rash all over my body! It is so nasty and painful and its making me feel sad and very un-attractive! It is the wierdest thing ever! I dunno whats causing it ok maybe I do! It's because I am so so so STRESSED!I don't think my life has EVER been this stressful. I just wanna be able to relax but I can't there is so much going on in my head right now and I just can't let go of them no matter how hard I try. Here are my stresses:

  • Work - I feel a huge need to impress my boss (i don't really know why). I just want her to look upon me as a good work. I feel constantly like I need to be doing things and sometimes I just run out of ideas. I also want to remain friendly with everyone. Ever since my boss told me that I come across abit intimidating I'm trying to be extra nice.
  • Money - I'm on £80 a week so it's not stretching far. I have to pay out £40 a week on driving lessons, I have a huge new look bill, I have to get to Romford next week for Fayes 21st birthday party and get her a pressie, I also still have a very big uni debt to pay off! I'm sure I owe my mum money aswell.
  • My driving test - My driving test is on the 14th May and I'm so scared and nervous. I feel so pressured to pass 1st time because my brother did.
  • Church - I'm really starting to hate my church.There are NO young people! It's annoying me because I feel so lonely there and I feel so much more at home when I'm worshipping around people my own age!
  • College - I have ALOT of work to do. I have to pass my Hairdressing NVQ within a year and most people do it in two! EEEEEK
  • My Brother - This isn't really a stress I just miss him because he moved out a couple of days and it's hard because I feel like an only child now he's gone.

So yeh I'm ready to explode and I look like a complete and utter freak! WOOOOOO!


At 12:08 AM , Blogger Liz said...

Hey, Kat!

Really praying for you just now - you sound so sad ( I don't mean 'loser' sad, I mean really sad!)

You have been through loads of change lately - hardly surpirsing you're a little wired :)

Take care, deep breaths and PRAY!


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