
Monday, October 09, 2006

From Russia with love

Ok so being a drama student i have to go and see an number of plays. The first play I have to go and see is 'King Lear' ahhhhhhhh! So there is a brief talkabout it in my lecture today. The lecturer is rambling on about this russsian director and how famous he is and saying something along the lines of I love him so that is why you are going to watch his play. Then she starts talking about how amazingly depressing the play is and that it is three hours long. So yeh she was really selling it to me. I start to think about the toastie I'm going to make when I get back to my room. Then one of my fellow class mates asks "I've herd the play is in Russian?" and my lecturer gives a casual "Yes it is". Then I stop thinking about the toastie and actually realsie what she is saying. It hits me. Russian!!! What? Surely not? Oh my word shes not joking. Why Russian? I have no clue. I'm guessing it all comes down to semiotics AGAIN! So because we have no idea what the play is about through the words we have to study the semiotics to get actually work out what on earth is going on. So three hours of complete and utter wah?? I have nothing against russians i would just rather go and see a play in a language i can actually understand. I mean thats just plain cruel. I don't get some things in english let alone russian. it's just plain mad.
Anyways I had a really good weekend. I stayed with Mike and AJ which was lots of fun. We did alot of decorating and I seemed to get more paint on me than on the walls. Ooops. Oh yeah and i nearly broke their hoover. It started smoking!
It was youth councils weekend so we spent most of Saturday and Sunday there. It was awesum seeing all my friends and worshipping God altogether again. We talked about human traffiking again. I say again because we did it last year. It saddened me a bit because I didn't realise how much of it was happening. I think it needs to be dealt with so I am going to speak to my christian union and see if we can get some sort of petition going. I can't believe there are more people being traffiked than there were being made slaves when the slave trade was happening. There is so much darkness in the world today and not enough is being done about it. I'm not saying that I'm going to change the world but I just want to make a difference. I really want to encourage people in my university to help. But before I do that I need to ring Beth and get some laundry done.


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